Royal Mint New Coins
This new collectible may be ordered as of today by contacting the Mint at 1-800-267‑1871 in Canada, 1-800-268‑6468 in the US, or at About the Royal Canadian Mint. A new $20 silver coin issued by the Royal Canadian Mint to coincide with the start of Black History month commemorates the Black Loyalists who landed in Nova Scotia as a result of the American. A £5 coin to mark the Queen’s 95th birthday is one of five new commemorative coins released this year, the Royal Mint has confirmed. In April, the Queen will become the first UK monarch to.
Royal Canadian Mint New Coins
LONDON, Feb. 8, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- The Royal Mint hasannounced they have acquired a rare, 500-year-old, gold Sovereignand the coin will be put up for auction next month.
The Royal Mint's historic coin experts have sourced a Type 2Henry VII Sovereign, one of a select few in the world that are notheld by a museum. The Henry VII Fine Gold Sovereign of Twenty Shillings is the earliest gold Sovereign acollector can own and there are only two examples in privateownership, making it a rare and historic addition to a collection.Struck more than 500 years ago, this rare coin was created toassert the authority of the first Tudor king of England through its splendour and impressiveweight and size. Bids will open at £950,000 for the sought-aftercoin.
Famous for making coins, The Royal Mint successfully expandedinto the sale of rare, historic coins two years ago. The companynow helps customers track down rare examples to add to theircollection and authenticate coins on the secondary market usingtheir unique experience in British coinage.
Rebecca Morgan, DivisionalDirector of Collector Services, comments: 'We are delighted to haveacquired such a rare coin which traces its history to the firstTudor king. We have seen many customers buying historic coins tobring purpose to their collection, either as an investment for thefuture or an heirloom to pass onto the next generation. OurCollector Services division is growing each year, and with 1,100years of expertise, the team here can help enrich and enhance anycoin collection. We set the record for the sale of a Britishhistoric coin at £1 million last year - who knows, perhaps thismight beat the record.'
The coin depicts the crowned Tudor King seated on a throne, inrobes, holding an orb and sceptre, the reverse shows the quarteredshield of England upon a Tudorrose.
The online auction will take place on 4March 2021 and those wishing to bid will need to pay a£20,000 deposit*. This is the first in a series of online auctionsthat will be held by The Royal Mint and there is no buyer'spremium. If you would like to take part in the auction as a bidderor observer, take note of the following steps and register yourinterest by midnight on Monday, 1 March2021.

To register, visit
The Royal Mint Coins
*Please note that the £20,000 deposit is fully refundable tobidders who are unsuccessful in acquiring the coin at auction.

Royal Mint One Pound
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